From Left to Right: Guanzhao Li (UW), Dongxia Wu (UW), Varun Sreenivasan (UW), Mingren Shen (group graduate student advisor, UW), Jacob Greaves (UW), Wei Hao (UW), Leah Krudy (Hope College), Yuhan Liu (UW), Bryan Sanchez (UPRM), Oigimer Velazques (UPRM)
9 NextGen Scholars hosted through the Informatics Skunkworks over summer 2018 here at UW Madison presented their exciting work in 4 posters at the NextGen Scholars Final Symposium at the Colorado School of Mines on August 6-7, 2018. Also with then was graduate student Mingren Shen, who led the efforts here at UW along with Professor Dane Morgan. These UW NextGen fellows received feedback on their work on automating defect detection using computer vision from other NextGen fellows, faculty from multiple universities, and industry members in the materials informatics community.