Spring 2022 Community Event: Generative Machine Learning

Generative Machine Learning
Ben Afflerbach

University of Wisconsin Materials Science and Engineering
Mon, Tues April 18,19 2022
4:00 – 5:15 PM (Central Time)

You are invited to attend our upcoming community event hosted by the Informatics Skunkworks on Generative Machine Learning. The event and activities will be hosted in person and virtually through Zoom Monday and Tuesday April 18th  and 19th from 4:00 – 5:15 PM central time. For those on campus at UW we’ll have a room reserved in ECB 1045 for those that want to attend and participate in person. The activities will include use of our laptop webcams, so please bring a laptop with a working webcam if possible, though we will be working in small groups so it is not required for everyone to have a working webcam to participate.

We often learn about machine learning models in the context of recognizing patterns in data to perform a regression or classification task. We ask a model to learn the difference between a cat and dog in a picture. However, what if once our model knew the difference between a picture of a dog and cat it could also generate entirely new examples of dogs and cats? And what if it could do that just based on a text or voice description of the breed? These are a few examples of what generative modeling has the potential accomplish. During the event we’ll introduce one method used for generative modeling called GANs, we’ll then have a hands on activity where we compete in small teams to train and share models, then finally we’ll look at some recent developments in the field of generative modeling and think about how these are being used and how they might continue to impact our lives going forward!

Please see below for the meeting link for the event! Note that the same activities will be run both nights so feel free to attend whichever one works best with your schedule!

Meeting link: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/95939585013?pwd=dng3NVpSUzFqY2hFWFMyaFFoYld6QT09

Or Attend in Person: Engineering Centers Building 1045