We are excited to share two new papers showing great capabilities for large language models to extract data from papers. This work originated as a Skunkworks project. Congratulations to undergraduates Shrey Modi, Anna Latosinska, Jinming …
Congratulations to Skunkworkers for New Paper on Metallic Glasses
Skunkworkers have helped contribute to a new work using machine learning to predict how to make better metallic glasses. See paper here. Afflerbach, Benjamin T., Carter Francis, Lane E. Schultz, Janine Spethson, Vanessa Meschke, Elliot …
New Skunkworks Paper on Predicting Nuclear Materials Behavior
We are very excited about our new paper from collaborators at UW Madison, Santa Barbara, and Skunkworks students. The work shows strengths of machine learning for predicting embrittlement of steels in nuclear reactors. See paper …
First paper from Skunkworks on Machine Learning for Radiology
Left: CT of Pancreatic cyst. Right: Adam Awe, a medical student who is the lead author, presenting the results at the Shapiro forum at the UW Medical School. He also presented at two subsequent national …
Congratulations to Skunkworkers for New Paper on Using Machine Learning to Accelerate STEM Modeling
Congratulations to Nick Lawrence, Mingren Shen, Ruiqi Yin, and Cloris Feng for their excellent work on using machine learning to accelerate electron microscopy modeling. The work showed how Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANs) could be …
Congratulations to Skunkworkers on New Paper on Concrete Properties
Congratulations to skunkworkers Vanessa Nilsen, Michael Hibbard and Adam Klager for our new Skunkworks led publication on machine learning of concrete properties. Reference is: Nilsen, V., Pham, L. T., Hibbard, M., Klager, A., Cramer, S. …
Congratulations to Skunkworks Leader Wei Li for New Paper on Machine Vision for Defect Detection
Congratulations to Wei Li for his new publication in npj Computational Materials. He and his collaborators trained computers to quickly and consistently detect and analyze microscopic radiation damage to materials under consideration for nuclear reactors. …
New paper from Informatics Skunkworks
The Informatics Skunkworks has published its first peer-reviewed scientific paper here. Congratulations to all who helped make this happen. A special thanks to Bryce Meredig of Citrine, LLC for his contributions. Full citation: H. Wu, …