Skunkworker Lynn Liu wins Welton Summer Research Scholarship (Su19), Sophomore Research Fellowship (F19), and CRA-W GHC Research Scholars Program (F19)

Congratulations to Lynn Liu for winning the Welton Summer Research Scholarship for summer 2019, the Sophomore Research Fellowship for fall 2019, and support for the CRA-W (Computing Research Association – Women) Grace Hopper Celebration (GHCResearch Scholars Program.  This will give her $2500 over the summer and $2500 more in the fall (+$500 to her advisor, Dane Morgan, to offset costs) to support work on using machine learning to identify bleeds in angiograms. The CRA-W GHC Research Scholars Program brings undergraduate students with interest in computing research to the annual Grace Hopper Celebration. The purpose of this program is to provide attendees a unique experience through mentors, networking opportunities, and advising toward graduate school and research careers in computing. Travel Expenses, Conference Registration and Hotel Accomodations will be reimbursed by CRA-W after scholars attend the Grace Hopper Celebration (Oct. 2019, Orlando) .