Congratulations to Lynn Liu for winning the Welton Summer Research Scholarship for summer 2019, the Sophomore Research Fellowship for fall 2019, and support for the CRA-W (Computing Research Association – Women) Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) Research Scholars Program. This will give her $2500 over the summer and $2500 more in the fall (+$500 to her advisor, Dane Morgan, to offset costs) to support work on using machine learning to identify bleeds in angiograms. The CRA-W GHC Research Scholars Program brings undergraduate students with interest in computing research to the annual Grace Hopper Celebration. The purpose of this program is to provide attendees a unique experience through mentors, networking opportunities, and advising toward graduate school and research careers in computing. Travel Expenses, Conference Registration and Hotel Accomodations will be reimbursed by CRA-W after scholars attend the Grace Hopper Celebration (Oct. 2019, Orlando) .