Skunkworkers present multiple posters at MRSEC site visit 2019-04-17

Skunkworkers presented two posters at the MRSEC site visit on 2019-04-17 to MRSEC members and visiting reviewers.

One poster was led by an undergraduate team and collaborators from local company Silatronix (poster prepared by Nathaniel Krakauer):

Deep Learning for Organometallic Compound Property Prediction

Nathaniel J. Krakauer1, James Wang1, Xiaoyu Sun1, Zouyi Li1, Alfred Sunaryo1, Dane Morgan1, Luisa Meyer2, Deborah Gilbert2

1University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI; 2Silatronix, LLC, Madison, WI

The second poster was from mostly graduate students and staff and gave an overview of the Skunkworks (poster prepared by Lane Schultz)

The Informatics Skunkworks – Undergraduate Research at the Interface  of Data and Domain Science

Benjamin Afflerbach, Ryan Jacobs, Nicholas Lawrence, Dane Morgan, Lane Schultz, Mingren Shen, Henry Wu

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Thanks to all of you who helped make these presentations happen.